The Liverpool Model conference
As “custodians” of the Best for Baby Too project, we’re happy to manage the conference celebrating its products, its successes and its legacy.
The Liverpool Model conference
As “custodians” of the Best for Baby Too project, we’re happy to manage the conference celebrating its products, its successes and its legacy.
21 May 2025 10:00am - 21 May 2025 15:30pm
The Liverpool Model (working title) conference will celebrate the Best for Baby Too project: its products, its successes and its legacy.
The Best for Baby Too project was founded to tackle health inequalities among mothers/parents in the perinatal phase to give babies the best possible start in life. Our involvement started in 2021 when our client in the NHS asked us to produce a film showing how social prescribing and its Liverpool variant, Advice on Prescription, can help mothers sorting out their finance, finding appropriate housing and be on hand with other potential stress factors during pregnancy.
With the objective to aligning and linking up existing services, we managed the project, built up a database of involved organisations and people and ran regular face-to-face workshops with the objectives of shared learning and networking. We made sure we could invite mothers with young children by adding creche facilities to our event plan. And we reached out to creative organisations for contributions by mothers/parents. Together with the Lighthouse, our project enabled the wonderful Creative Influencers, five women with an asylum seeking background, to produce their own play in 2022 and, in 2024, a 45-minute film about their experiences of motherhood in the asylum system. The film goes under your skin – and it’s very good.
As the “custodians” of this fantastic project, we’re happy to help putting the icing on the cake and manage the Liverpool Model conference. Counting a great film among out products, we’ll kick off the Liverpool Model conference by showing the film made by and with the Creative Influencers from 10.00 – 10.45. Presentations will start at 11.00 including the NHS, Citizens Advice Liverpool and the University of Liverpool. After lunch, delegates will get the opportunity to pick a workshop and finally, we’ll round off the day with networking. The film will be optional, but we would strongly recommend to watch it if you have time. Tickets are going to be free and will be available in the new year.