Happy 50th birthday YPAS!
Happy 50th birthday YPAS!
Have you heard of local charity Young Person’s Advisory Service, YPAS in short? We certainly hope so! With its values of safety, value, inclusion, respect and motivation, YPAS has been looking after children, young people and families’ mental wellbeing in Liverpool since 1966 and is going from strength to strength.
Having set up stall at a time when mental ill-health was even more of a taboo than it is today, YPAS also paved the way for a better understanding of gender issues among young people. In 1976, the organisation developed the GYrO (Gay Youth are out) project – still a safe haven and place to meet for young LGB&T people to this day.
The organisation’s mission is to deliver a wide range of support services, counselling and therapeutic interventions jointly with professionals across health, education and social care in a non-stigmatised environment. Thus, the YPAS building makes one utterly comfortable once inside: the walls are decorated with all manner of artwork, created by the children and young people who use the support and services. It’s brilliant, but, due to its age, the building needs a lot of love.
Waiting times for and access to mental health services can be long and laborious, also for children and young people. Therefore, reaching children and young people as early as possible, providing information, advice and guidance, is at the core of the YPAS strategy. The so-called early intervention is being achieved by working hand in hand with schools and GP practices; however, the better known the organisation, the easier it will be for those in need to find it.
Thus, YPAS invites you and all of Liverpool to celebrate its 50th birthday and to raise its profile – with a cracking programme of events all year round!
Get yourself down to 36 Bolton Street for their big January sale on 30th of this month and keep your eyes peeled for their upcoming events on