Event Planning & Management Liverpool -  event management Wirral
Event Planning & Management Liverpool -  event management Wirral

Tune In With Katumba – Free Drumming and Movement online classes June – July 2020

“This significant point in history is giving people a space to tune in, connect, explore & have fun!”, Juliana Landim, Creative Director Katumba

Tune In With Katumba – Free Drumming and Movement online classes June – July 2020

“This significant point in history is giving people a space to tune in, connect, explore & have fun!”, Juliana Landim, Creative Director Katumba

Using multi-camera broadcasting technology with high quality sound and image, we provided a digital platform to share our dreams, fears and hopes – right in the middle of the first lockdown.

Having successfully applied for emergency funding with Katumba from Arts Council England, we planned and delivered this programme of free online activities for the whole family together.

The project offered basic and more advanced content for all ages and consisted of 5 parts:

1. Composing
2. Building/Upcycling your instrument
3. Learning the Tune
4. Learning the Moves
5. Performing!

Building instruments and rehearsing the tunes all through June. we collated split-screen videos of our participants playing the tune, moving along to the tune or doing both. And on 31st July, all the hard work and fun culminated in a joint performance cum online party.

Check out the beautiful video of our final performance here

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